Coulsdon Manor ‘A Bespoke Hotel’


Coulsdon Court Road, Coulsdon
- Greater London (Show map)

from 73 €

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"It was excellent, luxury, and the fresh cooked breakfast was also excellent."

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About Coulsdon Manor ‘A Bespoke Hotel’

  • About Coulsdon Manor ‘A Bespoke Hotel’

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  • Protection of your privacy. Your private information will be used just to confirm your booking.

Coulsdon Manor ‘A Bespoke Hotel’ with average raiting 4/5

89 customer's reviews

Pierre (5/5)


What did you like the most?
"It was excellent, luxury, and the fresh cooked breakfast was also excellent."
Is there anything you didn't like?
"Nothing at all it was first class."

Anónimo (5/5)


What did you like the most?
"Location and quality of the hotel (4 star) and the excellent food. (We also got a superb deal of the B & B rate)."
Is there anything you didn't like?
"Not applicable ~ all was very good indeed."
  • Pareja mayor

Anónimo (3/5)


What did you like the most?
"Fair price,"
Is there anything you didn't like?
"I could make a long list of 'issues' that I saw, but at the end of the day, and unfortunately, our UK hotels can scarcely compare with cheaper, and more luxuriously furnished hotels from around the world. However, what I did find somewhat insulting was the fact that after ordering room service, I first received a call back to say that my room service order could NOT be added to my room so I would have to pay cash for that...fine! Then a few minutes later at around 21:00 in the evening, a call asking if I had the payment for the room?! I have NEVER experienced that before. Unless I bought from a site where payment had already been taken. I have always paid for hotel rooms on checking out. I could say a number of reasons why I felt that I was asked for payment at that time, but let's not go there! really need to look at changing this policy of NOT taking payment, or maybe instilling upgraded security in order to assuage the establishments fears they may have regarding non payment? Is this the same level of treatment that all customers would receive as payments have not been taken?"
  • Pareja mayor

Anónimo (4/5)


What did you like the most?
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