Hotel Best Western Stade Court Hotel


West Parade
- Kent (Show map)

from 51 €

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"Very good room and facilities"

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Hotel Best Western Stade Court Hotel with average raiting 4/5

164 customer's reviews

Denis (5/5)


What did you like the most?
"Very good room and facilities"
Is there anything you didn't like?
"Bed a little uncomfortable and cooked breakfast only average."
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Anónimo (4/5)


What did you like the most?
"Mine host was excellent and the food was good."
Is there anything you didn't like?
"Lift was cramped for two people and cases and the floor at the ground level outside the lift was uneven but concealed by the carpet. Potentially hazardous for anyone with walking problems. My wife has just had a new knee."
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Rudy (3/5)


What did you like the most?
"The staff were polite and helpful."
Is there anything you didn't like?
"The parking was too limited and not well signed. The rooms were very tired looking and there was an odour in the hotel that reminded me of an old folks care home. My general comment on the apprearance of the hotel was trired looking and dirty."

Moises (4/5)


What did you like the most?
"The staff - friendly, courteous, efficient."
Is there anything you didn't like?
"Decor and style - tired, worn, outdated. Lift - too small, too slow, too impractical. It's a dog-friendly hotel - one barked every time somebody passed its room, and we could hear the barking in our room despite the two walls between us and the dog. Bathroom - old-style mixer taps for bath and shower. Very difficult to find and maintain comfortable water temperature."
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