Hostal Brynhonddu Country House B&B


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from 45 €

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"Very friendly and relaxing. A very warm welcome and really well looked after and very helpful and felt very special - everything we wanted was done for us. A lovely setting and felt totally at home. A really comfy bed.
Very welcoming to our dog and she really enjoyed her stay too."

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About Hostal Brynhonddu Country House B&B

  • About Hostal Brynhonddu Country House B&B

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Hostal Brynhonddu Country House B&B with average raiting 4/5

31 customer's reviews

Laura (3/5)


What did you like the most?
"The breakfast. The stone chickens at the entrance to the adjoining house. The food at the Park Hotel just down the road. The surrounding scenery."
Is there anything you didn't like?
"Upon arriving we were greeted with an overpowering smell of burned grease from the kitchen. The happy lady owner immediately asked us to move the car as it was on the neighbours' property (the B&B being attached to the house next door). We were told we had the oldest room in the house, which although nice and clean was cramped. The bathroom was too small to swing a very small cat in, and indeed too small for either myself or my (female) partner to bend down to pull up our pants after using the lavatory (individually). No sink in the bathroom, but a small one in the bedroom --- acceptable if one already has an intimate relationship with one's partner, but potentially somewhat embarrassing if not. Welsh Harp Music on a CD (introduced solemnly by the male proprietor) for breakfast each morning would not have been our personal choice. We failed to notice that payment must be made by cash or cheque, as credit cards are not accepted, so it was fortunate that we managed to scrape the money together rather than having a long drive to a cash machine and back. (Having to run in the rain to get another £5 from the car wasn't appreciated). An interesting and probably unforgettable weekend stay."
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Neal (3/5)


What did you like the most?
"The type of house and the beautiful location. Friendly hosts."
Is there anything you didn't like?
"The price is much too high for what is offered."
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Anónimo (3/5)


What did you like the most?
"The friendly staff and breakfast. The room was clean."
Is there anything you didn't like?
"The smallest room and shower that I have every stayed in with a minute sink in the room. There was a very small TV tucked up in the top corner of the room with no instuctions on how to operate it. . Access for people like ourselves is not very good, with car parking some distance from the house up a step climb. The hotel itself is very remote up a narrow private road that is poorly maintained."
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Fernando (4/5)


What did you like the most?
"Very friendly and relaxing. A very warm welcome and really well looked after and very helpful and felt very special - everything we wanted was done for us. A lovely setting and felt totally at home. A really comfy bed.
Very welcoming to our dog and she really enjoyed her stay too."

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