Hotel Glenwood Hotel


19-25 Edgar Road
- Kent (Show map)

from 34 €

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"I felt that the hotel staff went out of their way to be friendly and were always chatty as I entered and exited the hotel, whether day or eve. They came across as it was important to them for guests to "want" to stay at their hotel and not just see it as for accommodation..."

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Hotel Glenwood Hotel with average raiting 4/5

77 customer's reviews

Ally (3/5)


What did you like the most?
"Staff very accommodating"
Is there anything you didn't like?
"Disliked location for security of car. Apart from room, thought the Hotel looked old and shaby. Also, would have liked small fridge in room."

Borra (5/5)


What did you like the most?
"I felt that the hotel staff went out of their way to be friendly and were always chatty as I entered and exited the hotel, whether day or eve. They came across as it was important to them for guests to "want" to stay at their hotel and not just see it as for accommodation purposes and somewhere to sleep. I didn't have breakfast, just a coffee but, again the dining room was spacious and from what I could see, the buffet-style breakfast looked good and the staff did approach us to ask what we wanted/if everything was OK. I couldn't fault the room or service for the price, and a lot of effort had gone into making my room as clean and well-equipped as possible. I also thought it was extremely good value for the price. I would stay there again and full credit to the owners/managers of this hotel, when considering there are a lot of rooms, its operations are managed very well in my opinion."

Anónimo (4/5)


What did you like the most?
"Location and price."
Is there anything you didn't like?
"Nothing - you get what you pay for."

Anónimo (2/5)


What did you like the most?
"Nothing, it was a scummy and dodgy hotel."
Is there anything you didn't like?
"I was rather disappointed that this hotel is offered on This because the hotel and room were not of the standard I am used from Upon entry of the hotel lobby, it smelled very badly of smoke, the room (#127) was somewhere in the back through a maze of hallways and staircases with no fire exit in the room. The hotel did not provide me with a safe feeling and I will tell people if they wish to stay in Margate to avoid this hotel."
  • Pareja joven

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