Hotel Herriots Hotel


Broughton Road
- North Yorkshire (Show map)

from 62 €

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"nice location,right beside canal,10 mins from skipton town.
lovely walk each time into town.Great staff and the food at breakfast was just too much for us.Nice courtyard and the bedrooms were spacious in our superior double room."

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Hotel Herriots Hotel with average raiting 4/5

190 customer's reviews

Rainer (3/5)


What did you like the most?
"The view over the canal is interesting. In our case the tone was set by
the unfriendly reception."
Is there anything you didn't like?
"The receptionist on arrival was abrupt and unfriendly. She rattled off the rules and conditions in a staccato like fashion. We asked if the room might be ready early but she snapped back that not 'til 3pm. We knew this was the official time but said maybe just before 3pm, she again repeated the mantra 3pm is the time. We returned at 2:40 to find the room was ready. We followed her up four flights of stairs after which my wife was exhausted as we both have serious heart defects, she must have been aware we were aged (75yrs) . We understood that there was a lift but it is only at one side of the hotel. We were transferred to the other side so we could use the lift but found the room did not have a bath and I had paid extra for a 'Superior' room.We were too exhausted to change again as none of the. Rooms serviced by the lift had a bath! , paying extra was wasted and I should get a refund. I have used many times but this is my only complaint."
  • Pareja mayor

Anónimo (5/5)


What did you like the most?
"nice location,right beside canal,10 mins from skipton town.
lovely walk each time into town.Great staff and the food at breakfast was just too much for us.Nice courtyard and the bedrooms were spacious in our superior double room."
Is there anything you didn't like?
"At weekends there are wedding parties so we heard the music up to 11.30 on friday and voices after that and on saturday even later with the music and voices in the courtyard up to 12.30am and beyond.The saturday night I had to put earplugs in.I won't be going back there on a weekend anymore unless there are quieter rooms at the back of the hotel and the management can assure me that I won't hear the noise as bad. Our room was right above the disco in room 17 and overlooking the courtyard"
  • Pareja joven

Kenny (5/5)


What did you like the most?
"Friendliness of the staff. The rooms were great and the food excellent.
Half price cocktails 4 till 7!!"
Is there anything you didn't like?
"On the two nights that we stayed at the hotel there were wedding receptions therefore,as we were overlooking the courtyard, it was noisy until midnight and on the second night much later than that as people were still out there until early hours and there were doors banging all the time. We went home very tired!!! Would definitely book again when they have parties booked."
  • Pareja mayor

Anónimo (5/5)


What did you like the most?
"The friendliness & approachability of the staff."
Is there anything you didn't like?
"I can't think of anything!:-)"

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