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Hotel México

Andrés Muruais, 10 36001 Pontevedra (Pontevedra) Map

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Augusto González Besada, 5, Pontevedra (Pontevedra) Comercio Hotel is the ideal place to stay in Pontevedra, either because of a business trip or holidays. It is located 10 minutes away from Marin, Portonovo and Bueu beaches, less than 15 minutes away from...   More info

Search a room in Hotel Comercio

Types of Rooms available Beds Availabillity
Single Room

Private bathroom. .
Single Room

Double room

Private bathroom. .
Double room

Triple room

Private bathroom. .
Triple room


Andrés Mellado, 5, Pontevedra (Pontevedra) Hotel Madrid is a one star accommodation located in Andres Mellado Street, number 5, in Pontevedra. This hotel counts with 28 rooms divided into doubles and singles. All of them count with a private...   More info

Search a room in Hotel Madrid

Types of Rooms available Beds Availabillity
Double room for single use

Private bathroom. .
Double bed for one person

Single Room

Private bathroom. .
Single Room

Double room

Private bathroom. .
Double bed or twin beds, subject to availability.


Filgueira Valverde, 10, Pontevedra (Pontevedra) Hotel Room is located in the center of Pontevedra , just 10 minutes away walking from the old town. It is a comfortable and modern hotel with offers stylish rooms with air conditioning, central heating,...   More info

Search a room in Hotel Room

Types of Rooms available Beds Availabillity
Double for single use

Private bathroom. .
Double for single use

Single Room

Private bathroom. .
Single Room

Double room

Private bathroom. .
Double room


Andrés Muruais, 10

36001 Pontevedra (Pontevedra)


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